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Hot & Cold Therapy: The Art of Balancing Fire & Ice for Health

Redwood Outdoors - May 30th 2024

In the realm of athletic performance and recovery, the age-old practice of using extreme temperatures has gained renewed attention. While athletes have intuitively understood its benefits, modern science has delved deeper into the optimal application of heat and cold therapies for the average person.

At Redwood Outdoors, we recognize the power of combining sauna heat with cold plunge therapy, known as contrast therapy or "Fire & Ice" therapy, to unlock peak performance and expedite recovery.

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What is Hot & Cold Therapy?

Fire and ice may seem like polar opposites, but both extremes elicit profound physiological responses from our bodies. While each has its unique benefits, combining them strategically amplifies their effects. Research suggests that alternating between extreme heat and extreme cold prevents the body from adapting too quickly, ensuring continuous responsiveness to these therapeutic methods.

In recent years, scientific research has lent credence to the longstanding anecdotal claims regarding the effectiveness of heat and cold exposure. While humans naturally possess the ability to adapt to various temperatures, the prevalence of modern comforts, notably air conditioning, often confines us to a narrow thermal range. Consequently, our heat shock proteins (HSPs) and cold shock proteins (CSPs) can become less active.

With Redwood Outdoors, heat and cold therapy can be your solution.

Benefits of Heat Therapy

While HSPs play crucial roles in cell regeneration, repair, and immune system modulation, heat exposure doesn't merely safeguard health but potentially amplifies recovery.

  • A study published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport demonstrated that sauna bathing post-distance running amplified participants' subsequent performance in a run-to-exhaustion test by an impressive 32%. Researchers attributed this enhancement to an increase in red blood cell volume induced by the sauna sessions.
  • Another study in the Journal of Athletic Training proposed that during periods of injury or rest days, heat exposure can mimic some physiological responses observed during exercise, offering a means to maintain conditioning even when traditional training is restricted.
  • Finnish researchers unearthed that regular sauna usage slashed the risk of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease by nearly 50%, alongside reducing overall mortality rates.
  • Heat therapy, particularly from saunas, promotes circulation, aiding in the removal of toxins and metabolic by-products such as lactic acid.
  • "Moderate to high frequency of sauna bathing was associated with lowered risks of dementia and Alzheimer's disease,” researchers state, and prevalence is 66% lower with the most frequent sauna bathers.
  • High temperatures induce anti-inflammatory responses, stimulate the production of internal antioxidants, and enhance the expression of HSPs, fostering muscle growth and reducing inflammation.

Benefits of Cold Therapy

Among temperature-based approaches, cooling strategies like cryotherapy have gained attention as exposure to cold temperatures induces the production of cold shock proteins (CSPs), fortifying immune function and offering long-term health benefits.

  • Research indicates that cold water immersion (CWI) can enhance performance, as evidenced by a study where a group of runners saw improvements in their 5K times after CWI.
  • A review published in the Cochrane Library concluded that CWI minimizes the likelihood of delayed onset muscle soreness. Subsequently, another study in Medicine found that it boosts muscle oxygenation post-exercise helping to reduce the effects of fatigue.
  • CSPs enhance mitochondrial activity, effectively transforming white adipose tissue into the more metabolically active brown adipose tissue. As the quantity of brown adipose tissue increases, so does the potential for burning fat, potentially facilitating weight loss.
  • Similar to heat shock proteins (HSPs), CSPs also influence immune functionA review in the North American Journal of Medical Sciences highlighted that cold water immersion boosts the activity of T and NK cells, crucial in fighting diseases and infections.
  • Research indicates that cold plunges can reduce stress by triggering the release of endorphins and soothing the vagus nerve, which regulates heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Additionally, cold therapy enhances brain function and cognitive performance, acts as a reset for the body's functional systems, and alleviates symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Why Should I Use Contrast Therapy?

The tradition of alternating between heat and cold, prevalent in Nordic cultures, offers synergistic benefits. While contrast therapy can enhance thermoregulation (how your body maintains its internal temperature), boost metabolic activity, and reduce the risk of metabolic diseases, repeated exposure to thermal stressors also improves stress management and mental well-being over time.

  1. Revitalizes Energy Levels
    The transition from chilly temperatures to a hot sauna prompts an increase in heart rate, accompanied by the tightening of blood vessels, and a surge of adrenaline and endorphins. The outcome? A remarkable boost in energy!
  2. Enhances Circulatory Function
    Alternating between hot and cold temperatures can invigorate blood flow, promoting improved circulation. Sauna heat causes blood vessels to expand, while a plunge into cold water induces constriction.
  3. Accelerates Muscle Recovery
    Cold plunges can reduce inflammation and soreness by constricting blood vessels and reducing metabolic activity. Conversely, saunas promote muscle relaxation and tension relief. A combination of the two aiding and quickening post-exercise recovery.
  4. Activates "Brown" Fat for Weight Management
    Brown fat, responsible for generating heat by burning energy, plays a crucial role in regulating body temperature and metabolism. The alternating temperatures in saunas and cold plunges may influence how brown fat burns energy and produces heat, thus impacting weight regulation.
  5. Enhances Skin Vitality
    Saunas promote skin cleansing through increased sweating, while cold plunges tighten pores and enhance skin tone. The alternating temperatures contribute to a vibrant complexion.
  6. Alleviates Stress
    Saunas induce relaxation by triggering the release of endorphins, the body's natural mood enhancers. Meanwhile, the shock of cold water in a plunge bath can stimulate the release of stress-relieving hormones.

Tips for Your Sauna & Cold Plunge Routine

Incorporating cold plunges into your routine complements the benefits of sauna sessions, providing a holistic approach to recovery. Follow these tips to get the most out of your contrast therapy:

  1. Consider Timing & Temperature
    Immediately after a workout, cold therapy aids in pain relief and minimizes swelling. To start, cool your Redwood Outdoors cold plunge to 50℉ and soak for no more than 5 minutes. Following up with heat therapy prevents joint stiffness and enhances recovery further. Heat your sauna to 165℉ and bathe for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Heed Your Body's Signals
    If contrast therapy proves effective, continue while adjusting based on your comfort level. Conversely, if heat or cold exacerbates discomfort or pain, cease immediately, contact your doctor, and make adjustments based on their recommendation.
  3. Gradually Intensify Contrast
    Embrace longer durations and gradual temperature increases, aligning with your comfort level and bodily signals. Begin with manageable temperatures (50℉ for cold, 165℉ for heat) and widen the temperature gap over successive sessions.
  4. Stay Well-Hydrated
    Consume ample water pre, during, and post-session to replenish lost fluids. Consider incorporating electrolyte replacement drinks/powders to restore hydration.
  5. Stretch During Heat Sessions
    Incorporate stretching while your body is warmed up; this promotes blood circulation and prevents cramps associated with temperature shifts.
  6. Expect Initial Discomfort
    Anticipate initial pain resurgence in the early stages of contrast therapy. Persistence and gradual improvement over time are key components of the therapy's efficacy, ie., it will take time and consistent use to experience longer-term alleviated pain.

Safety Considerations When Using Contrast Therapy

While we guide you along your wellness journey, consulting a doctor or healthcare professional is recommended if uncertain about the suitability of either cold or hot therapy.

Cold Therapy

  • Avoid using cold therapy on open wounds or already cold skin to prevent further tissue damage.
  • Caution is needed for people with diabetes or circulatory issues due to higher susceptibility to cold-related injuries.
  • Cold therapy can worsen conditions like migraines and cold sores.
  • If you feel generally unwell or have any of the above conditions, it’s safer to postpone cold therapy.

Hot Therapy

  • Avoid heat immediately after an injury as it can worsen swelling and inflammation.
  • Hot treatments can further increase fever if already present.
  • For individuals with diabetes or poor circulation, heat therapy may cause additional problems.
  • Avoid immediate exposure after exercise to prevent exacerbating inflammation. Instead, start with cold therapy and follow with heat.

What Does Redwood Outdoors Recommend?

Whether through outdoor saunas and plunge tubs or a hot shower and an ice pack, integrating these therapies into

your routine fosters long-term health benefits and resilience against physical and mental stressors.

At Redwood Outdoors, we advocate for the holistic approach of contrast therapy, harnessing the power of fire and ice to optimize recovery and performance, and are passionate about bringing that therapeutic experience to your backyard.

With both a sauna and cold plunge, you’re benefiting from the most efficient and traditional forms of hot and cold therapy. With a Redwood Outdoors sauna and cold plunge, you’re benefiting from the best quality and most authentic variety on the market.

If you’re ready to harness the power of extreme temperatures today, we’re ready to assist you in all things fire and ice.